
  • Charcoal Portraits

    $400 - $800

    9” x 12” up to 18” x 24” or larger.

    See below for details

  • Charcoal Full Figures

    $800 - $1500

    12” x 16” up to 18” x 24” or larger.

    See below for details

  • Oil Portraits

    $1200 - $3000

    11” x 14” up to as large as you want

    See below for details

  • Oil Full Figures

    $2000 - $5000

    16” x 20” up to as large as you want

    See below for details

Custom portrait and figure commissions each have unique aspects, so the prices listed are approximate. The price range is based primarily on size but there are other factors as well, such as detailed backgrounds or more complex compositions. The above pricing assumes a single subject with an impressionistic background. I can give you a firmer estimate as I learn more about the scope of the project.

I generally work from photographs, so the inconvenience and expense associated with sittings can be avoided. I most often work with photo references that you or your photographer take yourselves; please bear in mind that you may need to take photos specifically for your commission, but you won’t need to hire a photographer. Whenever possible, I prefer to take the photographs myself, because good reference photos for a drawing or painting need to have certain lighting characteristics, but this isn’t always possible or cost effective. I will discuss these characteristics with you to ensure that we end up with the best possible portrait.

Send me a message and we can discuss your commission in more detail. I look forward to working with you!